(Image taken from Google Images)
Remember back in the day when there was never space in your pockets when you would go out on a Saturday night. You had your cell phone, camera, pager, IPod and any other necessity all separate and unique. With these innovative ideas for phones I think we will be able to cook popcorn with our cell phone before 2010. People have these phones that can connect to the Internet with a click of a button tell you your exact location through GPS and even capture a moment in time with high-tech cameras. I understand the desire to have all these tools in one easy device but when do you draw the line. People can spend all day on their phone and never need to engage in conversation because all their tools are right in their pocket. It’s difficult to make an argument that would compel people to change because the convenience of having everything in one place is what we love. Wal-Mart and Iphones will never be boycotted against because we love that kind of simplicity. I feel like there should at least be an age limit before a child should be allowed to own an Iphone. Having that kind of technology right there at all times has to be detrimental to some aspect of growing up and socializing.
First off, I love the picture. And second, I agree. I feel like if you are going to have all these different tools, then you should be older and using it for a purpose, rather than children texting their friends all the time. People don't seem to need to socialize anymore in person and don't pay attention to anyone else because they have their phone open doing who knows what.
I agree, I remember not being allowed to have a cell phone until about my junior or senior year of high school. I think kids could have cell phones around middle school or high school just to be able to inform their parents when to pick them up and so on. But they should get them a phone that has the most basic functions. When they get to college, then they can upgrade. At least, for me it was basically that way but you have to remember they didn't have phones cabpable of internet like they do now when I went to college. This make me start to feel old.
I completely agree with both the walmart/iphone example and the age limit. When I was in High School, cell phones got banned because they were distracting students from their studies and class work. Students would be out in the hall talking to their friends on the phone or texting during class and this was a major distraction in the classroom. So my school decided to ban phones, which led to a huge argument from parents because they want to know where their kids are after school. All of the new apps/ functions cell phones now have only become more of a distraction for students and that is why there should be an age limit for buying certain complicated phones. That way you can avoid the risk of the phone affecting the childs performance. In addition, why would a child need an iphone? Its made to be used for business and social purposes but for older individuals. That is why i agree and believe there should be a line drawn.
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